Catching up

So basically I’ve been having way too much fun living my life to post anything about it here.  Sorry guys, but I’d rather be living than writing!  Lucky for you, Rowan is amusing himself with his trains this morning, so I have a moment to sit down and fill you in.

A couple of weeks ago Rowan and I took a road trip to northern Massachusetts.  I anticipated a lot of whining and crying and carrying on, but I behaved myself!  Hardy har har…  Rowan was also a gem.  He cried only once during the whole time in the car.  He was having a hard time pooping while strapped into his car seat.  As soon as I stood him up on solid ground, he took care of business, and we were happily on our way.  All in all, I thought it was a valid reason to cry, and I was happy to help resolve his issue.

Our stay was more than pleasant, reconnecting with old friends, and making several new ones.  Rowan got quite proficient at yelling, ‘MIIIIIITE!”  and “Jaaaaaate!”  and “HAAANNNNAH!”  We took a trip to the Boston Aquarium, did a little sight seeing, visited the pumpkin patch, and just hung out.  It was a wonderful getaway for both of us, and a bonding adventure that I will always remember.

We got back into the swing of things pretty easily, and had Halloween and trick-or-treating to look forward to.  Rowan dressed as a construction worker this year, and every day he tried on his costume, and practiced his role.  We talked about candy and other people wearing costumes.  He took the whole thing very seriously, and when the time came to actually go knock on doors, he was ready.

First order of business: prepare candy


Getting Rowan's costume on

A construction worker is nothing without a good pair of work boots.


He knows he looks good. Shoot.


Oh yes...the cutest little construction worker ever!


Really? They'll just GIVE me candy? Just like that?


Just ONE piece Rowan! Let's put the rest back.

Off to the next house!!

Rowan and his womens. 🙂 Trick-or-treating in style!


A little nervous about the dog rushing out, but still said, "Please candy?"

Wait, I get pizza too?!?

Neen helped hit a few houses

Strutting with confidence.

I'm very proud of my pumpkins! 🙂


Soon to come: A video of Rowan sawing a piece of wood in half with his very own real saw!!  I know you’ll all be up all night in anticipation!