November 15th, 2013

In the grand scheme of things learning to ride a two-wheeler isn’t that big of a deal.  There’s learning to drive, graduating from high school, getting married, or having your first baby.  Twenty years from now Rowan is barely going to remember this day, or the moments littered throughout it.  He won’t remember that for two hours he struggled up and down the hill in the parking lot, dirt and tears of frustration streaming down his face, but never once quitting.  He’s not going to remember how he felt when he screamed, “LET GO!” only to realize that I already had, and he had soared down that hill on his own.  He’s not going to remember how he fell, and scraped his knee.  He won’t recall how he sulked off to the side of the road, stomped his foot in indignation-sure that it was his bike that was at fault.  He won’t recall how his mom stifled a laugh when he beamed, “I did it!  I perseveranced and I did it!!  He won’t understand how his mom’s chest nearly burst with the amount of pride she felt at literally letting her son go and watching him hold himself up, all by himself.  He won’t know how tiny and how big she thought he looked at the same time.   He probably won’t remember any of these things…but I will.

Culture Corner

Recently Rowan has begun memorizing, authoring, and reciting poetry. For as long as he allows me to, I will post them on this blog.

Here is tonight’s entry (unfortunately the beginning was cut off, and considering that he’s currently running a moderately high fever, I didn’t think it was fair to ask him to repeat himself.) :

February 23rd, 2011

This has got to be one of my favorite snippets from our daily life here.  I know, it’s another video, and I haven’t posted any real content in a while.  There is a lot happening here, and some big decisions to be made, and when I can let you know about them, I will. 

Anyway, here is the funny little man who I get to live with.  🙂

The Birds and the bees.

After witnessing my son get mad at CooCoo the Rocking Clown, and telling CooCoo that he needs to listen to him or get a time out (mirroring his own life much?), I teasingly asked Rowan, “Where did you come from?”

“God made me!”

“Yes, He did make you, and you grew in Mommy’s tummy.”

“See pictures, please?”

Recently Rowan has learned that he was once a baby, couldn’t walk or run, and spent most of his days sleeping.  It took him a while to come to grips with this reality, seeing as he never stops talking or running now, and sleeping has become a dirty word to him.  To help him better understand that being a baby wasn’t a bad thing, in fact he was cute and cuddly and really good, we’ve been looking at his baby pictures, and watching some home movies.

Exhibit A:

2 Month old Rowan


Exhibit B:

So after looking at these lovely examples of his awesome baby-ness, he wanted to see the photos of himself inside my belly.  He looked at the ultrasounds, and was adamant that was not him, but rather a “bug.”  Okay.

I pulled out the pregnancy photos, and he was just astounded.  He wanted to hear all about what he did in my tummy, how he got in, how he got out, and, “Please I go back in now?” 

“No Rowan.  You may not go back in.”

Is it a little early for him to be asking about this stuff?  I don’t know if it is, but I’m a firm believer in just stating the facts, using correct terms, not nick-naming body parts, or omitting facts.  I explained how he started out in as simple terms as I could, and he listened and accepted what he heard.  Mostly he wanted to get to the part where “Mom’s tummy blew up like a balloon!”

This is the last picture of Rowan in my tummy, other than ones of me actually giving birth.  He was born two days after this photo:

I cropped off my head, because I looked miserable. I don't want Rowan to think I wasn't happily anticipating his arrival.

Rowan’s favorite tummy picture though, is this one:

Rowan looked at this photo for several moments without saying anything.  He put his head on my shoulder, and sighed. 

“What are you thinking, Baby?”

“I think I was waving to the doggie.”

“You mean while you were in my belly?”

“Yes.  Kaia was arfing at me, so I waved.  Kaia looks at me growing.  She said grow big in Mamma’s tummy!  Come out now, Rowan!”

“And you did come out.  I’m glad you did.  You’re a lot more fun out here.”

“I can be more loud out here.  And I can laugh better.”

I grinned, kissed his temple, and he left.

Saturday Morning

Rowan and I have been on our own for the past few days, and I must say, we’ve been having a great time.  Here is a little peek into our Saturday morning:

Shortly after this video was shot, Rowan told me a story about making snakes out of play-play(play doh), that he was going to dice (I’ve been teaching him culinary terminology when we cook together) with Betty (the woman that cuts his hair).  Then he and his stuffed dog named Goog were going to run, run, run fast.

The End.

Oh yeah, his reaction to seeing this video of himself: “Super cute!”